INN's Global Partners

INN’s partners showcase a range of approaches to justice reimagining and prison reform, from educational programs and job development behind bars, to reintegration strategies, legal reform and broad-reaching policy work.

Raphah Insitute: Restorative Justice Program

Emmaus Farm

Justice Project Pakistan

Ubuntu Learning Community

LEAD National Support Bureau

Nafisika Trust: Makini Awards Program

Fundacion Tiempo de Juego: Cambio de Juego

Essie Justice Group: Healing to Advocacy

Human Rights Law Network: Prisoners’ Rights Initiative

Cooperativa Esquina Libertad

 The Centre for Human Rights Education Advice and Assistance (CHREAA)

Families and Friends of Louisiana’s Incarcerated Children (FFLIC): Transformative Leadership Development

Insight Prison Project: Victim Offender Education Group (VOEG)

Safe Ground: Officer’s Mess Program

Magistrates’ Court of Victoria, Koori Courts