The Writing On The Wall as Enterprise

Having built The Writing on the Wall into an international, headline-grabbing brand, INN launches it—in a grand-scale effort to both directly empower formerly incarcerated people around the world and impact global culture and policy with regard to incarceration and discriminatory reintegration practices. We are microfinancing dozens of businesses owned and run by formerly incarcerated people in dozens of countries and outfitting their shops in The Writing on the Wall design, creating something that is at once business, art installation and nexus for justice reform and policy change. The businesses will also be supported—in partnership with various INN ally organizations—by a global marketing campaign targeting stigma and reintegration; strategic litigation against discriminatory practices worldwide; corporate outreach around hiring practices; and entrepreneurship and small-business support for incarcerated people and those coming home from prison.

In collaboration with our local partners, INN has launched eight TWOTW-E businesses: a food cart in Thailand with the Thailand Institute of Justice; a restaurant in Prague with Bistro Strecha and Rubkion Centrum; a food truck in Colombia with Casa Libertad; a delivery van in Argentina with Coop Esquina Libertad; four restaurants in Kenya with Nafisika Trust; a coffee trailer in South Africa with The Message Trust; a courier service, iKhan Deliver, with our Team Leader there, Nicholas Khan; and a forthcoming barbershop in Arima, Trinidad, and restaurant in Recife, Brazil, with Instituto Fenix.

Brazil 🇧🇷
Colombia 🇨🇴
Czech Republic 🇨🇿
South Africa 🇿🇦
Thailand 🇹🇭
Trinidad and Tobago 🇹🇹