INN collaborates with institutions around the world to foster creative prison-university partnerships that leverage the power of education and nurture leaders with lived experience. Some of these programs fall under the umbrella of the the Prison-to-College Pipeline (P2CP), which Dr. Baz founded at New York’s John Jay College of Criminal Justice in 2010.
Education Not Incarceration Pillar
INN collaborates with local institutions around the world to foster creative prison-university partnerships that leverage the power of education and nurture leaders with lived experience. Some of these programs fall under the umbrella of the Prison-to-College Pipeline (P2CP), which Dr. Baz founded at New York’s John Jay College of Criminal Justice in 2010. Not a cut-and-paste model but a philosophy that manifests uniquely in various global contexts, the international P2CP movement has two premises: 1. Universities have a powerful and apolitical role to play in creating safer communities; and 2. All educational programs that operate inside prisons must be continued on the outside, when incarcerated people come home from prison—hence the concept of the “pipeline,” a continuum.
In 2022 INN formed a partnership with the Bard Prison Initiative and Open Society University Network to bring funding and support to prison-university partnerships worldwide. This resulted in the development of a community of practice supporting and connecting programs in the following countries: South Africa, Argentina, Jamaica, Trinidad, Brazil, Italy, Australia, Austria and Mexico.